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Logicon Shipping App

Logicon Shipping with Make


The Logicon Shipping App. Create a complete automated logistics solution with Logicon & Make.


Connect Logicon Shipping Prime to:

– create a consignment, add packages and manifest your consignment to a carrier.

– view shipments list, track shipments, monitor carriers, action exceptions, edit shipment details & much more… Integrate your shopping carts and marketplaces with Logicon and you are on your way to building a complete end-to-end e-commerce management system.


Innovate today, with Logicon logistics software-as-a-service way … 


                Fast, cost-effective, industry-leading apps & solutions.
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Shipping APP PRIME

The Logicon Shipping app is a make Community application and part of the Logicon Shipping Module.

Logicon partner programme with Make and Make certified developers.

Register for a free 30 day trial for up to 500 shipments with your nominated carrier.

Logicon Systems Limited. Support, FAQs and documentation available online. 

         No credit card required

   Resource Library & FAQs

Available In This Release

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Create a Consignment 

Create a new consignment on the Shipping Portal

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Get a Consignment 

Locate a consignment by number, ID or other reference

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Update a Consignment

Update a consignment’s parameters

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Update a Package

Update an individual package’s parameters

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Route a Consignment

Request consignment is routed to pre-defined carrier service

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Manifest a Consignment  

Manifest existing consignment to a carrier service

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Search for a Consignment 

Get a list of consignments based on search criteria 

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Search for Packages

Get data on packages from selected search criteria

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Reset Route for Consignment

Reset a consignment to another carrier service 

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Reset Manifested Consignment 

Reset manifested consignment so it can be re-manifested 

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Update a Consignment – post Manifest

Update a limited set of parameters after manifesting

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Search for Tracking Events

Get a list of tracking events for a consignment or packages

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Create a Tracking Event

Creates a new tracking event for the consignment